


我也是剛剛知道原來不有機車借款這麽一說的,這也是 朋友早上來找我玩,然後我們一起聊天的時候我才知道的。朋友說是自己前段時間生意上一時周轉不開,可是貸款又一時半會的下來會,然後也是聽別人說有機車借款,然後他就去找這個機車借款,有自己的車去做機車借款,然後很快的就解決了自己的困難,機車借款不是非常的方便,快捷的。而且朋友給說的時候我也能感覺出來,這次機車借款還給他算是幫了大忙呢。


現在我打算去報一個職場英文 培訓班好好的去補習一下我的職場英文,這公司上班都兩個多月了,這是我畢業以來的第一份工作,我也很喜歡我現在的這份工作,可是這段時間當中我在工作中也學會了很多東西,可是這段時間下來我發現在工作當中職場英文 不是非常的重要的,而我自己的本來就是一個理科生,英文成績來就不太好,現在的工作當中有時候有些職場英文 我都不懂,很多時候都是在同事的幫助下完成 的,可是我還是想好好的 補習一下自己的職場英文 ,現說了以後的工作當中我得靠自己。



hualien accommodation

The last time with friends to go to the Hualien accommodation live, I feel very good, the hotel or a colleague recommended to me, my friend and I advance online about the Hualien accommodation in the advance online booked a room, the hotel has own dining room, there is a computer, so whether it is the office or food is very convenient but the price of the hotel is very reasonable, I and my friends in the Hualien accommodation after dinner feel taste very good, but this hotel dessert is self-help, I tasted a small sense of taste is also very good, very high quality and inexpensive.





Ximending luxury hotel

I haven’t had dinner, recently this period of time is always the husband to cook at home, today I got a promotion, I intend to go out for dinner, I will advance to the husband dozen telephone, let him go back do not cook, eat out at night, and I have a good news to tell him, husband they have promised, I early the night eating places are booked, is set at Ximending luxury hotel, I will advance to the Ximending luxury hotel point out my husband and I are favorite dishes, not a husband to the husband, just sit down, he asked me to tell him what the good news, I will tell the husband of my promotion. After the husband listened to my story, just tell me the good news is that celebrate.


前段時間兒子回來的時候給我帶了好多的冬蟲夏草,說是這個冬蟲夏草的功能很多的,對于我們這此直上年紀的人來說不管是有什麽樣的毛病都是可以治的,聽說這個冬蟲夏草也是一種非常珍貴的藥材,價格也很貴 的,兒子買回來的這麽貴重的東西我都不舍得吃的,老伴平時的身體,體質都比較弱的,所以我想把這些冬蟲夏草都留著給老伴吃就行了,我的身體還很好的,所以這段時間我都每天都給我老伴定時候的服一些冬蟲夏草,這段時間老伴的老毛病再好沒有犯過了。

Taipei four star

Anyway, I think the Taipei four star hotels are still very good friends, in my opinion I can arrange to live in Taipei four star hotel there is really very warm, so I really thank him. This is come to Taipei to play, come, I will call to a friend, he heard the news, not happy, that is all he can help me arrange, let me not to worry, wait until I came to Taipei, a friend arranged for me to live Taipei four star liquor store, I think the Taipei four star hotel is a Ok Hotel, in which there are certainly comfortable accommodation, I really did not expect friends will be arranged for me to live in the Taipei four star hotel, this is really too surprised me, let me also very touched