

where to stay in Taipei

I often go to Taipei on a business trip, so there looking around quite understand. Always be a friend asked me to say I where to stay in Taipei, perhaps there who do not know, if you want to choose the one you feel yourself relatively convenient and comfortable place to live in your mind is indeed difficult ʱ?? Because those living place in Taipei, the usual external and internal will is not the same, and sometimes give you a surprise, sometimes contrary will inevitably be disappointed. So every time someone asked me where to stay in Taipei, I will inform them of eleven best of my knowledge. Every time someone asks me where to stay in Taipei and I would not feel too tired, on the contrary I am very happy to serve them.



hosting speed

A few days ago my friend introduced me to a job, because some time ago I quit his job, the family just a few things to deal with it, so there is no desperate search for work, but also deal with things at home now finished, so I Come on my friends to help me pay attention to a job, so my friend gave me a phone call to say that the company needs a website hosting speed technician it, see if I can put the next job, although I think after I graduated not engaged in the work of hosting speed aspect, but I hosting speed is a certain understanding, because I go to school had never been seen, the courses also learn quite good.

日本 房地產

前些年跟著爸爸在國內做房地產賺了不少錢,但是最近幾年國內的房地產行業不太景氣,所以我就想著我自己去去國外發展,就和爸爸商量,爸爸也同意我去。於是我就聯繫了幾個之前和我們一起做房地產的年輕朋友一起去日本考察了一下,覺得日本 房地產確實有前景。因為爸爸給我的融資有限,所以就拉了來個合作夥伴,要做就做大點。國外畢竟不像國內,各方面都很不容易搞定,尤其是財力一定鞏固才行,其中一個合作夥伴是日本人所以我們在日本 房地產很快就站穩了腳步,盈利指日可待。

京都 住宿

看到老公最近一段時間工作壓力挺大的,我就勸他要不就休息一段時間散散心,可是老公每次都拒絕了我。後來我發現我就應該先斬後奏,我就果斷的去訂好去日本的機票,安排好了京都 住宿。直到我把這一切都準備就緒了,我才把這個消息告訴老公,據我瞭解,如果我突然告訴老公這件事,老公首先應該會發脾氣,然後他就自然而然的接受了。可當我告訴老公說我已經買好了去日本的機票連京都 住宿都安排好時,老公盡然沒有生氣,還對我說太好了,我正要去日本出差呢!當時我就傻眼了!



台北 太陽餅


Ximending boutique hotel

My favorite Ximending boutique hotel in Taiwan, the Ximending boutique hotel so I like it, every time I went to Taiwan will choose to live in Ximending boutique hotel inside it, especially I like Ximending boutique hotel meals inside it, Hey, I am Ximending boutique hotel which is something I totally no resistance to it, each one to Ximending boutique hotel I always go to the point of some of my favorite things Mimi eat a meal of it, every owe in Ximending boutique hotel inside eating things I feel are good a good long time yet, even my friends around me are often driven to Ximending boutique hotel inside the rented it, but also fell in love with Ximending boutique hotel inside the meals.


早上剛到公司,我們組長就給我說是讓我出去買一個三偏心蝶閥,聽到三偏心蝶閥的時候我都蒙了, 這個三偏心蝶閥是什麽啊,做什麽用的。我還正在鬱悶呢,同學就把這個三偏心蝶閥的出售地點,還有型號給我寫出來了。於是我就按照組長給我資訊,就去了出去了一次,我就去了之後我才知道原來這個三偏心蝶閥就是我們公司用的那個麼控制閥,原來是這個就叫控制閥的各類還是挺多的嘛,原來還有這種的三偏心蝶閥。