
今天下班回來晚了,我也知道是肯定我媳婦就沒有 給我留飯了,因為我們家裡每天都是孩子放學這個點就吃飯,而我這個人也有個壞毛病,就是剩飯剩菜我不吃,所以我老婆索性也就沒有給我留飯,我回到家裡之後,他問我還吃飯不,我就給他說是讓他給我煮即食麵吃吧,順便給碗裡再放一些蔬菜,我很喜歡吃菠菜和白菜之類的綠色蔬菜,而我老婆也知道我的口味,所以做了一碗美美的即食麵,真的很好吃,我很喜歡吃。

男扮 女裝

聽我表姐說自己拍了幾套男扮 女裝寫真特別的不錯,要是我有時間可以去她的家裡面看看,昨天我剛好下班比較早一點,也沒有什麽事情我就去了我表姐的家裡面,當時真心的是被他拍的那幾套男扮 女裝寫真給吸引了,雖然我知道我表姐長的特別的好看,可是也沒有想到他拍男裝來也是這麼的帥氣,如果不是我們兩個從小一起長到大,我還真的不確定自己能否認出來這些男扮 女裝寫真上面的帥哥就是我表姐呢,當時我就想著要是我有時間也一定要去這家店裡面拍寫真。



tokyo private tour

This is just a good friend said her company to send a coupon to go to Japan to play, so it is said, let me go with her, because the company has to arrange good, just to play on the line, it is especially beautiful, of course I don’t go, I thing I can not spend money to do, the result is not to think the plane still has the Tokyo private tour, it is really too happy, for me it is really too good, because the two of us have not been to Japan, find the road is still very difficult, but with this Tokyo private tour also is really very happy, this is really playing very well, the Tokyo private tour is also very good, very grateful to friends.

京都 酒店

在這個京都 酒店也上班算很長時間了,因為我真的是來這里工作了好幾年了,但是因為我這次要生孩子了,所以我也不的不辭職的,這次我們的領導也是給我批了,不過還說了我以后也還是可以隨時來上班的,當時我聽這里的時候就真的是太開心了,而且也還是經過了一年多了呢,我孩子也快一歲了,所以我也就想在回到工作中去呢,結果一來到這個京都 酒店就真的是太還念了,而且這次我真的是成功的上班了,真的是特別的感謝領導對我一直的信任的,我會好好努力的。

Interior Design

Then choose to make it to my Interior Design design and decoration, or because of my friends working in the Interior Design inside the company, feel an acquaintance in the work they should not give me what design is not good, but in the decoration of the time will not cut corners like, but how I did not think my friend was not in the company said I was his friend, I was not happy because of this thing, but I see people give me such a perfect design works will not be angry, but when people Interior Design inside the company staff for home decoration is also very responsible, at that time the Interior Design has a good impression.



singapore property market

Listen to my mom said she saw a house in the Singapore property market, said let me if you have time we go to look good on the set, I was also really did not think of is, I always thought that my mother saw the house I will not love, but this time I and my mother went to see, suddenly feel the Singapore property market house is great, it is really very good, but I still love the way, it is also let me feel the Singapore property market place is especially convenient for me to work, it is love, especially the environment is great.

日本 花魁

我也沒有想到,自己拍的這套日本 花魁系列的寫真是這麼的好看,這可以說是我拍的寫真裡面最漂亮的,別得我是有多麼的開心了。就在前幾天,我和朋友一起去拍寫真了,當時那影樓裡面的工作人員就給我介紹了這種日本 花魁系列的寫真,我覺得這種日本 花魁系列的寫真真的是很特別的,所以我就拍了一套這樣的寫真,現在我已經是拿到寫真了,我覺得當時的選擇真的是對的,因為拍出來的效果真的是很好,我很是喜歡這樣的寫真,所以我覺得這個日本 花魁系列的寫真真的是挺好的。

