
我們這次出旅行到澎湖是我選 的這個澎湖民宿,前幾天和老公商量好帶著兒子我們一起來澎湖的時候我就在網上訂好了這個澎湖民宿,因為我特別的喜歡這個澎湖民宿,我很早的時候就在網上看到過澎湖民宿的,在網上看到澎湖民宿里面有特別夢幻的世界經典童話的主題房型 的,看到這個童話主題房型的時候我就特別的喜歡,可是那會的時候老公工作太忙的,都沒時間出來的,而且那會的時候兒子也太小了,出來玩的話也不太方便的。現在好了了,兒子也慢慢 的長大了,我們一家人還從來沒有一起出去玩過呢。



Ximending accommodation

Our house in nearby Ximending accommodation, so I often go to Ximending accommodation for dinner, because mom and dad are rarely go home, they always outside travel, so all these years I have been accustomed to live alone. Some time ago the mother phoned me and said she was coming back, I am very happy, because my mother and I have half the time no see. After Mom returned home ready to cook for me, I’ll say is we eat to Ximending accommodation! Cook it too ! Cook it too much trouble, my mother asked me Is it right? This time of half an year have dinner at Ximending accommodation, I say yes, because the hotel food is really delicious, but the price is not expensive. I especially like to eat.



hualien accommodation

My brother told me that is was going to travel to Taiwan to let me help her tidy up luggage I also promised him the day after tomorrow, after the evening after dinner I asked his brother to travel hotel arrangements? My brother told me is that he has arranged in Hualien accommodation, heard the brother had been arranged in Hualien accommodation and I will let the brother and when you come back from Taiwan to bring me some Taiwan pineapple cakes back, brother listened to my story will be agreed, saying I as long as the obedient he will bring a lot of delicious back in the home, hear brother said that I would tell my brother I will be obedient, then my brother told me that he went to Taiwan to study.

real estate investment

I have a friend is to do real estate investment, these a few years he did real estate investment is quite successful, my brother on the university there is learning financial investment, this period of time after graduation has been looking for a job, I asked him if he had interest in real estate investment, my friends are doing real estate investment them the company this time are looking for, you can go to have a look, brother said OK, so I said to my friend the next brother general, friends when it comes to let him direct apply is OK, but my brother has no work experience have never started learning.




我們家要裝修房子了,可是老公又出差在外,我一個人害怕應付不過來,於是我一個賣建材的朋友就說是他可以給我幫忙,於是我就很高興的答應了,畢竟朋友也在建材市場做生意,所以他可能就對建材比較熟悉,有他在的話我也可以放心了,尤其是木地板,我老公走的時候交代了一定要買質量好點的木地板,因為我婆婆年紀也大了, 走路本來就不方便,要是我選的木地板不防滑的話,老人家很容易摔跤呢,所以在朋友的推薦下我買了科定防滑效果最好的木地板回家了。




好久都沒有回家了,都有些想家了,所以 周末就回家看了看爸媽,沒想到這個週末回家看爸媽的時候,發現媽媽最近這段時候身體特別的好,媽媽還給我說是這段時間自己也不再失眠了。都是因為前段時間哥哥回家的時候給爸媽買了一些冬蟲夏草,爸爸也知道媽媽平時候的時候身體不好,所以這段時候就一直在給媽媽服用冬蟲夏草,可是沒想到的是就這個冬蟲夏草的效果還不錯,媽媽這么多年來經常的神經衰弱會失眠的毛病就讓這個冬蟲夏草治好了,看來這個冬蟲夏草真是好東西,那以后我也有機會再給爸媽多買一引起冬蟲夏草好了。