

HDB Interior

When I told my boss of our company HDB Interior project recently is quite many, if not, we have to work overtime, because we need to finish the needs of customers, if can’t satisfy the customer demand, our company also is finished, so the boss listen to me say that finish after, just say it’s no problem, I am very happy, because it’s a good way, in this way, we also can meet the needs of all customers, we can deal with their HDB Interior, and the boss is very happy, because of how the company’s profit is, then he gave us some points.

data center security

看到朋友的電腦出現問題,剛開始我還在笑她的,結果朋友給我說真的是壞了,而且里面也還有一些工作上的重要文件的,所以這次我也就想能不能有什麽辦法,就是讓電腦好起來了,就帶她的電腦去修理了,沒有想到那個修理電腦的人也是行家的,就說是有個什麽的data center security就可以了,而且沒有想到也還真的是在這個data center security里面呢,就朋友的很多東西都找回來了,看來以后也還真的是有這個data center security呢,就真的是太方便了,而且也還不耽擱事情呢。



osaka airport transfer

We are a foreign teacher said you went to the Osaka then what is the greatest feeling, I said is my biggest feeling is I feel Osaka airport transfer personnel is really good, so I’m sure I will think of why, because people there are so many rules to regulate their behavior, so they will have the professional attitude, so I think the Osaka airport transfer workers really is too precious, I also don’t know how to now, the thought of someone to do all those things and I think it has a great sense of security, so after you have felt that way, you also have a lot of power to do things. So now I won’t give they say so many things.

日本 酒店

去過日本 酒店的人都說那裡簡直是太好了,你住過日本 酒店之後,你再去住其他的酒店,你都覺得好像他們的酒店都不怎麼樣,我覺得人就是這樣,一旦體驗了好的東西之後,就不願意再去嘗試不好的地方了,我現在也不知道怎麼了,會有我自己的想法,但是我不會給他們明確的說,因為我覺得好像沒有那樣的必要,所以說我現在要去好好想想到底該不該去日本 酒店住,因為我現在還沒有那樣的打算,不過他們會怎麼樣想,是他們自己的事情,與我沒有什麼關係。



haneda airport transfer

I don’t know how I would have so much trouble, this is the first time I go there, but I was very upset, because I am not familiar with there, how go to the hotel there, I really tangled, and later colleague Mike could be seen I was thinking of it, he told me, then let me go there, you can take Haneda airport transfer, Haneda airport transfer said that this car is free, you can directly take me to the hotel, heard him say this, I am not happy, I feel no worries, I am afraid I do not know how to go to the hotel, now known to have Haneda airport transfer car, how could I not be happy? I don’t know how to thank my colleagues for Xiao Li.

箱根 住宿推薦

一直以來,我都是想去箱根旅遊的,但是我對那邊不怎麼熟悉啊,為了這事我可以說是很煩惱的,後來我就在想著,要不我就找個人來給我做一下箱根 住宿推薦吧,後來我想了一下,我身邊的也人只有表姐去過箱根的,而且他對那邊也算是比較熟悉的,所以我就在想著,要不我就讓他來幫我做這個箱根 住宿推薦吧,要是他能給我做一下箱根 住宿推薦的話,到時我就可以在那邊找到一個好的住宿的地方了,想到這些,我就趕緊的去找表姐了,只要是他給他箱根 住宿推薦的話,那我的煩惱就解決了。

